The Cutest Hotel Related Advert Ever?

The cutest hotel related advert ever has been released featuring 30 bunnies roaming around a London hotel room.

“Snuggle Bunnies” created by Ibis Hotels observes as the bunnies hunt for the best place to get their heads down; and eventually they all agree that the best place is the centre of the new Ibis “sweet bed”.

One of the bunnies even stops for a perfectly timed yawn to make the video even better – imagine having them in your hotel room!

To find out more about the snuggle bunnies video, follow #ibisbunnies on twitter and visit the Ibis Facebook Page

To see how they kept they managed to film the ad, watch this behind the scenes video:

Speaking about the video, VP marketing ibis Brands Northern Europe, Karelle Lamouche, commented: “The video is a light-hearted way of emphasising the essential part of the ibis brand – the uniquely designed ‘Sweet Bed by ibis’ and reminds people that ibis places a happy sleep at the centre of its offering.”

To book a hotel (minus the bunnies), why not use the Ibis Hotels mobile app? Simply download it & book your next hotel room on your smartphone!

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