What To Know When You Have To Travel While Receiving Cancer Treatments

The holidays are here and this is the time of year when many people take their annual trips to visit relatives and eat, drink and be merry. However, if you or a family member has recently been diagnosed with cancer, your holiday travel plans may be on hold or you may be tentative to take to the road or book plane tickets for your trip. You obviously want to consult with your doctor before taking any trip while undergoing cancer treatments, but here are a few other bits of information to keep in mind if you plan on traveling.



If your doctor and medical staff give you the green light to travel make sure that you take the proper precautions to ensure that you are well prepared. Have yourself or a family member do the proper research on all of the medications that you will be taking. If you are traveling out of the country, make sure that your medications are ok to bring in. There are also various resources online that provide a checklist for traveling with medications. You also want to chat with your doctor about concerns regarding taking extra medication and worst case scenario situations such as having to find another doctor for medical care during your travels.

Ask For Help

For some people who are living with cancer and receiving treatments it can be a difficult task to ask for help but a necessary one. If you know that you will be down for a day or two after chemotherapy, rely on a family member or a friend to help with tasks associated with your trip. If you are traveling for a specific treatment such as brain tumor radiotherapy from a reliable treatment center (perhaps similar to amethyst-radiotherapy.co.uk), it could also be beneficial to take a family member with you.

Moreover, getting help from someone on tasks as simple as packing your luggage or contacting your airline with any questions can really help you with not only your “to-do” list but also your stress levels. On the other side of the coin, if you know that your loved one or friend is traveling while undergoing cancer treatments, be supportive and offer to help them

get ready for their trip.

Enjoy Your Trip

Lastly, once you get to your destination enjoy yourself but don’t overdo it when it comes to all of the holiday activities. It is ok to excuse yourself from the family festivities if you are feeling tired and need to take a nap. When you are feeling energetic on your trip, relax and enjoy yourself and the time with your loved ones.

Living with any type of cancer can be stressful and leave you with a lot of questions, so it is ok to have fun and take your mind off of the big “C” word during your trip. Just remember before booking those plane tickets to get the ok from your doctor, make the proper preparations, ask for help and enjoy yourself.

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