Great ways to make money while you travel

Everyone would love to spend more than just a few weeks per year travelling around the world, but not many know how to go about doing so.

You do not need to be a millionaire to do this, but you may well need some advice on how to make money while you are travelling. This guide by gives some great ideas to help you earn cash while you are away.

Teach English

If you can read this, you already have a skill that is demand all around the world. Believe it or not, but you can make good money teaching people how to speak English. You can offer your services as a private tutor, but the money starts to roll in when you become TEFL certified. When you have your qualifications, you are free to travel the world and make money by teaching others how to speak your language.

Give free freelance writing a go

Writing is one of the most flexible types of work that you could possibly do. There are no set hours involved and you can literally do it from anywhere that has an internet connection. Why not offer essay help to students, or copywriting for marketing agencies? Getting the right type of work on a regular basis can improve your chances of making a decent amount of money from writing. Contact editors before you decide to leave home or write for companies that offer no bid assignments. The potential is there!

Go grape harvesting

Harvesting grapes in France is a fabulous way to make money while you travel. Who would not want to snip grapes off the vines during the day and drink wine by night? You might have to work seven days per week until the task is complete, but you will get accommodation for a really small amount. You can also travel the harvest rail and do seasonal work in places like Canada, Australia and all around Europe. The money is less, but you are more flexible with this option. Volunteer at WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) and get free accommodation in a lovely rural setting.

Get a youth work visa

All recent graduates and American students can qualify for a twelve-month work visa in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland through the BUNAC program. This program also allows students from the UK to apply for this type of visa. Most of the jobs that you can get with this program do not pay that well, but they will allow you to meet the right people, who can then help you to find better paying jobs.

Call centers

You can spend some of your time in the Philippines or India answering tech questions in the middle of the night. It is very lucrative and it is also a very interesting way to gain insight into a huge economy. Anyone with fluent English is basically hired.

Online casinos

Online casinos can be a brilliant way to make some money while travelling. If you’ve ever wanted the chance to play at a casino, you can do it right from your phone if you have a strong internet connection. You can find different games on sites such as Casimpo that offer you an attractive platform to play on, and make good money in the process. To make the most out of it, understand the odds, manage your bankroll, and take advantage of promotions that are offered to you.

Become a movie extra

The film companies in Cairo are always looking for fresh new faces in the background. If you hang out in the city long enough, there is a very good chance that someone will approach you to become a movie extra. Bollywood is also very similar. You could also go out and look for movies that you would like to be a part of and then try out for the job – you never know what can happen!

Work your niche

It does not matter what your interests are, but it does matter that you start networking around the world. It is not impossible to make money out of what you love to do. Think out of the box and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.





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